Gartner Cool Vendors in Life Sciences report may be a good predictor of what will be a hot topic in pharma. But what Gartner Cool Vendors in Life Sciences 2014 really do? Is it really worth to jump the bandwagon right away?
Why Gartner Cool Vendors in Life Sciences and similar reports are important?
The mode of action is simple, consultants from Gartner and other agencies are basing on similar rankings with their sales pitches. As Richard Meyer points out, pharma marketing insiders are not the best breed.
If the sales pitch sounds good and has a supporting proof in an expensive research report, your average pharma marketer will swallow it like a hungry pelican. In the effect, any company mentioned by big consultancy has a chance to gain market and its product may be listed as a rising trend for the year to come. Regardless of the value generated for business. While you look into the Gartner Cool Vendors 2014 list, you may guess what it will be about this time.
Blueprint Clinical
Blueprint Clinical is an U.S.-based monitoring technology company founded in 2012. It’s team has a profound experience in healthcare, and especially in clinical trials. Courtney McBean, CEO of Blueprint Clinical, has over 15 years of experience in research and medical devices business.
The main product of Blueprint Clinical is web-based product called Blueprint Compass for risk-based statistical monitoring of the study performance. It provides real-time monitoring of site performance, focusing on metrics critical for the study and with possibility to assign targeted actions to relevant performance indicators.
R&D and Clinical Research is obviously the huge chunk of pharma spending, and risk-based monitoring as such is required by FDA. Does Blueprint Clinical answers the need for that well, it is hard to assess. So far the company provides its service together with consulting service, which means that it is rather customized offer than a mature, standard service.
Liquid Grids
This one is, to be honest, a very surprising choice. Liquid Grids, a Gartner Cool Vendor in Life Sciences 2014 is PaaS solution for social media monitoring and engagement (well, they call it a “precision marketing”). Started in 2010, Liquid Grids positions itself as dedicated to health care industry. It claims that it offers “direct to patient” marketing. The problem is that from the global perspective it means a clear no go.
Pharmaceutical marketing directly to consumer is allowed only in specific markets, specifically the United States and New Zealand. What is more, from European perspective any attempt to obtain personal data and target communication to the patient without direct consent is clearly illegal.
It may be a cool vendor for Gartner, but for any pharma marketer outside of U.S. working with Liquid Grids may end with a very cold shower from your legal team (or even worse from the regulatory agency). Let us be clear, for pharma digital marketers it is extremely hard to implement even social media monitoring for product related keywords, as there is a constant awareness of drug safety obligations.
Ontoforce is one of the big data vendors. Founded in 2011 company from Belgium as its main product offers a semantic search engine disQover.
Clearly, making the tons of data we have gathered in pharma searchable in a contextual way that allows discovery of unknown connections is something that may change the paradigm of research. While we are sceptical about replacing scientific method with brute force statistics on big amounts of data, there is a potential there to find new insights. On the other hand, even if Ontoforce is really Cool Vendor, the competition in this field is very strong
Pitcher is another surprising choice. eDetailing is obviously a big trend, but Pitcher is not the only one in its field. We can easily name strong contenders (or even leaders) with similar feature set. Veeva, Agnitio, Showpad and Cegedim are all offering the same service as Pitcher. We love disruptive startup companies entering digital marketing space in healthcare, but Pitcher has yet to prove its coolness.
Scigilian Software – Gartner Cool Vendors in Life Sciences 2014
Scigilian is a cloud-based software platform for managing logistics of Pharma R&D. At K-message we are specialized in digital marketing, and we cannot assess this tool capability, but the sales pitch sounds very well. Normally we could build an ERP or LIMS system for such purpose, but the solution would never be ideal. ERPs are too complex and hardly customizable, and LIMS would not cope with the complexity. The solution is to build your own software, or… ask Scigilian. Being outside of the lab, we really like the idea. As you may see not all of the Gartner Cool Vendors in Life Sciences 2014 are cool enough to make us excited. The trends are clear, however. In pharma marketing the focus is on e-detailing, CLM and Social Media Management. In R&D hot topics are big data, clinical research support and logistics for labs. Be prepared, consultants are coming!
The US Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industry 2014: Digital Ad Spending Forecast and Trends, a new report from eMarketer shows that Pharma Marketing spending on digital remains on steady 3.0% of the total digital ad spending level. Unfortunately half of it is spent wrong.
This has been a common joke of marketers and advertisers for a long time: If I only knew which half I spend on wrong tactics I would make myself and my company rich. However, jokes aside, at K-message we can clearly see which quarter of this budget is going wrong way. We talk serious money here, healthcare and pharma ad spending is now at USD 1.41 bn level, and by 2017 we will pass the threshold of two billions. US Healthcare and Pharma Industry Digital Ad Spending 2012-2018. Source:
eMarketer takes into account all healthcare and pharmaceutical digital marketing spending in the United States. It includes prescribed (Rx) and over the counter (OTC) products, specific products and services addressed to healthcare professionals, as well as direct to consumer advertising of products, services, hospitals, health insurers etc.
More than half of this budget (56%) goes for direct response advertisement. The remainder of 44% is spent on branding campaigns. This is an artificial segmentations, as the objective of campaign usually is not so clear in the American, DTC driven market. Every branding effort may bring direct response.
What is more striking in eMarketer’s report is the share of spending on healthcare and pharma digital marketing by channel. It seems that mobile is still an ugly duckling for pharma marketers, who dedicate only 26.5% of their budget to mobile formats.
It is incredible if you look at this from the perspective. The same crowd that claims “we want more direct response and we spend more than half of our budget for it” in the same time neglects the channel that is the best to accomplish this objective.
Healthcare and pharma marketing is the single industry that spends on mobile the smallest chunk of its budget. Even PC makers spend 33% of their budget on mobile, but we in Pharma remain connected to the desktop. If we go mobile, pharma marketing focus mostly on mobile search advertisement. US Digital Ad Spending by Industry and Channel 2014, Source:
We can try to persuade ourselves, that there is some logical reasoning behind this inefficient budget allocation. However, at K-message we tend to believe that the only reason to avoid mobile advertising in pharma is simply change-aversion. Mobile advertisement is well regulated, rules are clear, and results are easily measurable. It allows better interaction than PC in many dimensions: it can be geo-located, instant, personalized. The only disadvantage over display ad on PC screen? It requires additional work.
Digital marketing is not a rocket science that Pharma R&D are performing. You can start simply with text messaging in your next multichannel campaign. Make sure that your next edetailing is part of the CLM. Give your audience some thrill with elements of gaming. Do not fly everyone to the remote conference site, use virtual one instead. This is pharma digital marketing, not putting banners every here and there.
We really hope that pharma marketers will surprise eMarketer by proving they know how to use digital marketing tactics efficiently. Fingers crossed!
Multi-channel marketing strategies usually include old tactics such as telemarketing, direct mailing and printed detail aids to accompany more fancy mobile applications, eDetailing on tablets and over the Web. Good old SMS text messaging is forgotten in the era of smartphones. Is it really so smart?
Text messaging is a tactic that pharma marketers used in the past. There were successful pharma marketing campaigns with text messaging at the core of the execution.
One such example is Pfizer’s recruitment for a study that targeted teenage smokers with a radio campaign. The call to action instead of traditional “call us now” was replaced by “text us now” which allowed young audience to discreetly make a contact with researchers, even if they listened to the spot in their (unaware of teen’s deadly habit) parents’ car.
Novartis with its SMS for Life campaign allows better access to malaria treatment in Africa. A successful pilot in Tanzania that has been running since 2009, has encouraged the company to roll it out in other markets, including Kenya, Ghana and Cameroon. So far the results were very impressive, allowing company to reduce stock-outs of the antimalarial ACTs from 26% to just 1% of the facilities. GSK is using text messaging to increase childhood vaccination rates in Mozambique and to fight counterfeit products in Tanzania. Merck is running a diabetes sms campaign in Kenya and Uganda…
But wait a moment, it is all just marginal actions, and never the core of the brand strategy in the product lifecycle. It seems that text messaging is no longer considered as a part of still trendy mobile marketing. Ask your average pharma marketing expert for mobile tactics, and you will get a standard list: – build a mobile app – build a mobile or responsive website – make your e-mails mobile ready
This is all fine, but:
– a mobile app is usually a costly mistake that with limited reach and extremely short lifespan
Only 30% of apps is downloaded. Of those, only 30% is ever opened. For free apps, only 5% are still being used after one month. Astonishing 80% of mobile apps have less than 1000 downloads.
Yes, you can be lucky and make an app that is actually useful and used, as Merck was with its Clarityn’s Pollen Forecast app. But if you are in the Rx world, there is a very slight chance that a mobile app will work for you.
– a mobile or responsive website is good to have, but to convey a scientific message you need a big screen anyway. Check your current web entities for stats of mobile usage and you will be surprised how rarely HCPs are visiting it with the mobile device that is not a tablet. And for tablets, a standard website is perfectly fine.
– the e-mails are often read on mobile, that is true. Therefore, it is worth an effort to make your e-mails mobile friendly, but never stop here. If your e-mail reached a user on the mobile, the landing page should be optimized for mobile as well. Do not expect anyone to read a scientific paper on an iPhone or, even worse, Blackberry. Instead make the user journey mobile end-to-end – let them order delivery of the paper with one tap, rather than providing a download button as you would do for PC or Mac users. Limit length of the survey, make sure the landing page is light on text, etc. etc.
What your consultant probably forgot to add, a text message is much more friendly for phone users than e-mail. It can be even richer in content, especially if you decide to embed in your campaign OTT messages.
[box type=”note” ] Text message marketing vocabulary Short Message Service (SMS) – the oldest standard for text messaging. It allows sending 160 characters, plain text. It is extremely cheap and can be very narrowly targeted. It can reach every phone, which gives you maximum potential reach. Arriving SMS is accompanied with buzz sound set by the user, thus it is important to set silent hours for SMS campaigns. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) – a standard to send messages with multimedia content to and from mobile phones. MMS can convey messages much longer than SMS, up to thousands characters or up to 1MB content. Unfortunately, its implementation differs from operator to operator and from device to device. Quality of the video and its length is also restricted, so limit yourself to 30 seconds, or use OTT instead. Push notification – a service that allows an app installed on the device alert user with a message.If a push notification is received, an app will display it with its icon on the status bar of the device. It is useful for e-commerce applications (ie. while searching for an item, you may receive a push notification with a special time-limited offer from the merchant nearby). Unfortunately, the reach is limited to smartphones. On the other hand, users are keen on accepting Push while installing an app easier than to opt-in for SMS campaigns. Push is also cheaper than SMS. Cross-channel messaging – messaging service can be used to seamlessly put content on other channels (ie. it is possible to receive and post Facebook comments via text messages, or use MMS to upload images on Flickr). Over-The-Top messaging (OTT) – messaging with multimedia content that is enabled by mobile applications not associated with mobile operators (ie. Apple iMessage, WhatsUp, Blackberry Messenger). Messages are downloaded via data connection. If WiFi is used to send/receive OTT messages, it allows geolocation of the device. The best practice is to combine SMS/MMS with Push and OTT services. Instant Messaging (IM) – real time text based communication over the Internet. From a mobile device it is non-discernible from OTT, and in some applications also merged with SMS/MMS service in one application view. Short Code – a short, 5-6 digits, number for standard and premium rate use on assigned territories. Used for mass marketing campaigns. You can use a shared short code from your vendor to launch your campaign faster, but it will limit available keywords (each can be used only once per code). The best practice is to register single short code for your brand, especially in the long term campaigns. Long Code – 10 digits phone numbers, as used by standard subscribers in person to person communication. They may be used for campaigns that happen across different territories, but the limitation is the amount of messages that can be processed via long code at the time.
Advantages of SMS marketing for pharma and mobile health
Forgotten by external consultants in the age of pharma cross-channel marketing, mobile messaging is still alive and growing. Actually, it is the most-used non-voice channel in the world, with 14.7 trillion messages sent worldwide in 2012. With the rise of OTT and IM applications the growth of this way of communication may be even faster than expected, going well beyond an estimated 28.2 trillion threshold by 2017.
Everyone gets now text messages from banks after transactions, from airlines when the flight is ready to board, from retailers who offer us their special deals. Pharma marketers could learn from their clients how to use text messaging.
Healthcare providers are sending messages to:
– manage appointments,
– provide information,
– inform on the prescriptions
– remind patients that there is some FSA money left to be spent before the end of the year.
[box type=”info” ] For non-US readers:
FSA stands for Flexible Spending Account and allows to pay for some medical and dental procedures or products and deduct it from the tax
Pharmacies are sending out pick-up notices, links to package inserts content, and allow text-to-refill service to their customers.
[box type =”info”]
SMS and mobile messaging advantages for pharma marketing:
Improved relevance: Message can be easily tailored for the specific recipient, embedding itself into the CLM concept with tracking capabilities.
Cost efficiency: Efficiency much better than e-mail notification in terms of Open Rate (~90%). Response rate is also very high ranging from 5 to 25%, around eight times better than for e-mail.
Always within context: Text messages are opened at the time of receipt. You can make sure that the message content is aligned to the schedule (or even location with Push and OTT) of your recipient.
Providing value through the whole process of customer relationship management, from the initial opt-in confirmation at an appointment, through reminders to thank you messages. Always interactive and fully tracked!
Compliant: SMS/Texting follows similar pharma/healthcare industry regulations as other communications channels.
Use cases for text messaging in pharma marketing and medical affairs:
Patient recruitment for clinical trials
Patient adherence (in clinical trials and after marketing authorization during therapy)
HCP and Sales Representative relationship: appointments, reminders, additional information in two-way communication
How to make a text messaging campaign that converts?
If you reached to this point, you are probably convinced, that text messaging is the tactic to include in your strategy. That is fine, but to make sure you are successful, we have prepared some tips and tricks, that will make your campaign better. We are all about digital marketing, so we assume you know the basics – your KPIs are already defined, and you will measure your conversion rates. So how to make sure your text message will convert?
Some of the tips are no brainers, but differ a bit in messaging campaigns from an e-mail world.
[box type=”info” ]
Tips for converting text messaging campaign
Carefully consider timing of the campaign. With an e-mail, you targeted specific days of the week. With mobile campaigns, you need to be perfectly clear about an hour (and a time zone!) when the message buzzes in your audience pockets.
Targeting your audience is similar to what you do in other digital channels. However, your text message will probably come from the same code through the campaign, and your audience may respond. To ensure success, first shape your communication to the audience group (ie. cardiologists), then make a tree of possible reactions and answers to them.
It is somewhat similar to what you would do providing a script for telemarketers. You need to think about the message as a part of longer conversation. Never repeat the same message, always refer to the previous state, and make the user journey interesting with different call-to-action.
Whenever you can, do A/B testing of your messages. We are aware you need to submit them to the regulatory, thus submit different versions of the message, just in case the original one is not working as well as supposed.
Call to action is really important, especially if you have 160 characters, and you need to make sure that there is a Fair Balance in your message. Therefore, try to embed your messaging into other elements of the campaign. The most important will always be the landing page, but text messaging allows more response types than other channels.
After receiving and viewing your message, recipient can:
call back (make sure there is a call center ready)
schedule an appointment with rep
start remote detailing
order samples or research paper delivery
watch video, document or website content
download an app or bookmark page
share some content via social media or e-mail
answer a short survey
enroll to the program
opt-out from the communication (you have to always provide this possibility!)
probably you can imagine some other responses as well
As you can see there is a lot that you can do with simple message, and the more options you have in your campaign, the better results. You just need to test and fine-tune your campaign to select what works the best to deliver your key message and build valuable conversation with your audience.
Regulatory constraints for an SMS marketing in Pharma
As with every pharma marketing tactic, you must be aware of certain regulatory constraints while planning your text messaging campaign. The most important document to follow is CTIA Compliance Assurance Solution Mobile Commerce Compliance Handbook.
For U.S. run campaigns, you also need to be compliant with TCPA, HIPAA and (if you address children) COPPA regulations.
The key considerations from a regulatory compliance perspective for use of text messaging in pharma marketing:
You have a permission from the consumer to send messaging from your company (Prior Express Written Consent)
The short code used is the same for which consumer opted-in
Your campaign has been approved by carriers
All medical information is governed by HIPAA in terms of privacy protection
Consumer has always an opportunity to opt-out from all communications and is always informed about any cost that may be charged against him due to participation in your program.
In the U.S., according to 21 CFR 314.81(b)(3)(i), all advertisements and promotional labeling for a particular drug product must be submitted to the FDA at the time of initial publication or dissemination. Each submission is required to be accompanied by a completed transmittal Form FDA-2253.
Rich Communication: the future of mobile marketing
Mobile messaging campaigns with SMS, MMS, Push and OTT is already very efficient channel. However, the technology is going forward, and new capabilities are being rolled out. Rich Communications Services (RCS), marketed as “joyn”, is the platform that enables the delivery of communication experiences beyond voice and SMS, providing consumers with instant messaging or chat, live video and file sharing – across devices, on any network.
With RCS, we will be able to combine in one interaction a message, video, call, and remote detailing. Joyn does not need any additional setup from the end-user. It is provided by a carrier and ready to use within compatible devices. Supported by GSMA, the technology is already being rolled out across the globe. This new standard will be yet another reason to think “messaging” as the first option where it comes to mobile marketing.
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